Women's Writing Retreats

Upcoming Retreats

Your time to write, breathe, relax, and explore

Writing retreats are a rare opportunity for nine women to join me as we live and write together in the sprawling countryside near Healdsburg, CA. Life in our little compound of five two-bedroom cabins at Bishop’s Ranch is informal and relaxing. Our meeting room is both cozy and spacious, with a fireplace, snack kitchen, and spectacular views of the great outdoors. Someone else does the cooking and cleans up after us. Everything supports the inner life and makes way for deep exploration. See current Covid protocols.

What we do at the retreat

We begin our morning circle with drumming and nature-based practices to open the heart and quiet the mind. Then we write and share our stories throughout the day, practicing new skills and techniques to improve our craft. What are you here to learn about yourself? Where will your writing take you? Each day it seems we go deeper, as we let go of the concerns and constraints of daily life back home.

Is a writing retreat right for you?

We welcome writers at all levels – even those who say “I’m not a writer.” Some participants have specific goals, such as moving forward with book or story ideas, while others come for the spaciousness and freedom to explore their lives through writing.

Regardless of the goal, it seems everyone comes for the stillness, the peaceful countryside, and the connection with other women on a similar path. Writing illuminates what we truly feel and believe. It helps us understand ourselves and see how we came to be who we are.

So come write with other women, walk among the trees, eat delicious food, push creative limits, sleep deeply, surprise yourself. There is a feeling of openness and acceptance as we welcome and embrace whatever shows up in our notebooks. We’d love to have you join us.

Given the small group and communal nature of our retreats, COVID-19 protocols are in place. While the pandemic is a fluid situation and things can always change, here are our current Covid protocols.

Choose your retreat below:

“You’ve opened a place in my heart that I never knew existed. I love coming to your retreats, where my world expands as you teach, guide, and inspire us all.”

– Barbara Ellis

March 2025 Retreat

This retreat is full.
To join the waiting list:
Contact Susan

April 2025 Retreat

This retreat is full.
To join the waiting list:
Contact Susan

May 2025 Retreat

This retreat is full.
To join the waiting list:
Contact Susan

A Word From Susan’s Students

Thank you for holding such a safe, open, and congratulatory space to express the deepest parts of myself. Something so clearly wanted to come out, and you created the perfect conditions to help release it. Thank you for listening to every word – really listening – and for seeing the good in me. I felt cared for, seen, and nurtured by this amazing group of mothers, grandmothers, sisters. I’m forever grateful to you and the magic you create.

Annie Jefferson, Los Angeles, CA

Returning to the writing retreat each year allows me to indulge myself in the amazing process of deep writing and self-exploration that is only possible through your guidance and wisdom. You are such a gifted teacher, Susan. I always come away with renewed inspiration for writing and new insights into who I am. The beautiful setting and delicious meals make it a perfect long weekend.

Lori Fladseth, Santa Rosa, CA

The kindness, understanding, non-judgement, encouragement, and positive reflection you bring to the retreat are the fertilizer, nourishment, water, and warmth that create a safe and nurturing place for me to grow.

Deborah Matteri, Sebastopol, CA

You’ve opened a place in my heart that I never knew existed. The way you encourage my pen to lead me is one of your secret ways of freeing my insightful and creative self. Your deep listening and keen observations of what you’ve heard is a gift you give me every time I write with you. Once a week isn’t always enough, so I’ve loved coming to your retreats, where the circle and my world expand as you teach, guide, and inspire us all.

Barbara Ellis, Occidental, CA